Wednesday, April 28, 2010

10 Helpful Tips for an (Almost) Stress-Free Moving Day!

Oh, moving day is exciting, isn’t it? And, sometimes, it’s too darned exciting! After all, you have so many things to remember…worry that the mover will show up on time…fret that things may be lost or get broken…and on and on. But, really, that day doesn’t need to be so stressful!

If you follow the tips below, you can make the day as painless and as enjoyable as possible. The key underlying each of these tips is, of course, proper planning!

 Tip 1: Start early!

There are two reasons for starting early. One is psychological. When you start early, you can break the moving task down into smaller steps; that is, you can pack a little at a time. Psychologically, this gives you a great boost because you’re not overwhelming yourself by trying to do everything at once. The second reason relates to the first: packing is harder and more difficult than you think! So, by starting early, you have time to think things through and pack logically and economically!

Tip 2: Weed Out the Unused or Useless!

As I’m sure you know, you’ll be amazed at how much stuff you’ve accumulated that’s either never used or seldom used. So, why take it with you? Sort through everything and get rid of any item you haven’t used for a year or so. Donate it to a charity organization or, if appropriate, throw it into the trash or recycling. Remember, movers charge by weight! So, the equation is simple: less weight = less money out of your bank account! Plan on making a couple of passes through your belongings. If possible, take a break of a day or more between passes. That allows you to take a more objective look at everything.

Tip 3: Label Everything in Sight!

This is a real time-saver and stress-reducer. On each box, write down the contents as specifically as possible. At the same time, avoid overdoing the “Miscellaneous” label. If you end up with several boxes with that label, you won’t have a clue as to what they contain!

Tip 4: Do One Room at a Time!

There’s always the temptation to take items from several rooms and put them in one box. This is a good way to end up with too many “miscellaneous” boxes. Instead, pack one room fully at a time and then move to the next room.

Tip 5: Consolidate!

Since it’s easy for small boxes to get lost or damaged, place smaller items in small boxes and then put those put small boxes into a bigger box.

Tip 6: Take Important Documents with You!

Never pack any personal financial information and important papers and put them on a moving truck. Identify theft is possible, but, equally important, if those documents are lost, it could take you many, many hours to replace such important items as bank statements, passports.

Tip 7: Take Your Valuables with You!

Use common sense and take jewelry, artwork, rare book collections, etc. with you. You don’t want it on a moving truck, and, to be blunt, most moving companies don’t want to ship it for obvious liability reasons. If you absolutely have to ship valuables, get expanded moving insurance through the carrier or a third party.

Tip 8: Plan for Essentials!

Keep a box separate for all the essentials you’ll need in your new home and make sure it’s loaded last onto the truck so you can get at it easily upon arrival. Depending on your needs, “essentials” could include: soap, towels, toilet paper, sheets, coffee maker, drinking cups, paper plates, eating utensils, pencils and paper, etc.

Tip 9: Inventory Everything That Goes on the Van!

List every box or item that goes on the moving van and take the list with you. Once you arrive at your new home, have a family member tick off the boxes and items as they come off the truck. This is vitally important if your belongings are transferred from the truck to storage before being delivered. If a box is missing, lost or left behind, it could be months before you realize it’s gone.

Tip 10: Save Money!

Packing boxes can be expensive. If there are items that will go into plastic storage bins and/or large trash bags (stuffed animals, towels, etc.), then buy the inexpensive bins or bags. This will also save you the time and trouble of unpacking the boxes in your new home. Hope you enjoyed this list!

To talk about more packing tips or anything related to real estate, contact me today at or 402.657.7663!

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